
We're here!

Yep. That's right. Mine and Janelle's dream since freshman year has finally come true. We've made it to London! Got 0 hours of sleep on the flight over. literally, zero. It took us nearly 4 hours to get from the airport to the train station where the people we are staying with would be picking us up. We drug our three bags up more stairs and hills than you could possibly imagine but people were being so helpful and a lot of times ended up carrying them up for us. I tried to remain positive and up beat through it all, laughing about our unbelievable situation (even though I couldn't feel my hands and quickly developed several blisters and kept running over my heels with my luggage. I was definitely bleeding by the end of the day). I will give you more details about this little adventure Sarah and I endured later. I have so much to say but am too tired to do so. I will leave you with a video. Did I mention that I'm in FREAKING London!?

Oh, P.S. The home that we are staying in is absolutely spectacular! It's the most precious but modern little flat I've ever seen. The couple (and baby Hugo!) are wonderful as well. Live in London? Yes. Yes, I certainly think I could.